Instagram: Tots & Teens

Responsible for photographing, filming, creating content and icons for highlight stories, editing, and posting.

From February 23, 2022, to February 7, 2023


Instagram: SPAC Rugby

Responsible for creating content and icons for highlight stories, editing, and posting.

From March 01, 2021, to August 8, 2021


Instagram: Chama o Vizinho!

Responsible for the idealization, creating content and icons for highlight stories, editing, and posting.

From March 01, 2021, to August 8, 2021


Instagram: Hug-B!

Responsible for the idealization, photographing, filming, creating content and icons for highlight stories, editing, and posting.

From March 01, 2021, to August 8, 2021


Just some images, not all*